What is your experience of 14+ annual health checks in Halton?
Halton SEND Parent Carers Forum (HSPCF) and Healthwatch Halton are working together on a project, looking at the eligibility for 14+ annual health checks in Halton.
Currently, to be eligible for a 14+ annual health check, is that you must have a learning disability. This means many individuals with special educational needs and or disabilities (SEND), without having a learning disability are not entitled to a 14+ annual health check.
Many parents/carers of children with SEND, and some young people themselves, have expressed concerns around health inequalities and barriers seeking medical services. Therefore, they would like to be given the opportunity to have a 14+ annual health check.
We want to hear the views and experiences of 14+ annual health checks in Halton, from professionals, parents/carers and children/young people aged 14+. We understand your time is precious, but if you could please take 5-10 minutes to complete the survey using the link or QR code below, it would be very much appreciated.
By completing the survey, you will also have the opportunity to enter into a free prize draw for a £25 gift card.
In January 2024 a small group of parents/carers, children/young people aged 14+ and professionals who have completed the survey will be invited to attend a focus group to gain further information to assist with the project. Refreshments and a gift card will be offered to participants.
Parent / Carer and Children/Young people survey
Take part in the Mentimeter parent/carer and child/young person survey now by clicking on the link below and entering code 8892 9772
Or follow on the QR code below
Raising achievement by involving parents and carers in the work of our school
Involving yourself in your child’s education is an exciting challenge, with excellent benefits for your child, for you, for the school and for the local community.
Research has identified that, at age 7, a parent’s influence on a child’s learning is six times that of their school and even at 11 years old, it is 29% greater. Increased involvement can raise achievement by at least 18%.
We are using the Leading Parent Partnership Award (LPPA) to help strengthen our school’s partnership with parents. LPPA is a national award that will provide us with a valuable school improvement tool and also give us recognition for our commitment to working with parents.
The LPPA will help us achieve these long-term benefits:
contribute to improved pupil attendance, punctuality, behaviour and progress
increase parent participation and involvement
enhance parents’ support in their children’s learning
improve communication between home and school.
If you would like to become more involved or want more information, please contact
Donna Tofts
LPPA Coordinator
Student and Family Liaison Manager
Hello, my name is Donna Tofts and I am in the privileged position to work as the Student and Family Liaison Manager. I work with students and families across the Academy including providing Careers Advice and information on life beyond Cavendish.
Mobile number:07920 118 474
Phone number: 01928 561 706