Lower School
Welcome to the Lower school
Welcome to our Lower School! The beginning of secondary school marks an important transition in a child’s learning journey. As the excitement of early September gives way to the sustained engagement of our adapted secondary school curriculum, children will begin to mature and develop and explore the world in a deeper and more profound way. In the Lower school, we are always working hard to inspire, learn, enjoy and achieve. We want to support students to discover their strengths and their areas for development and to ensure that they become successful learners, ready to learn throughout their lives. We are a team of specialist and dedicated Teachers and Teaching Assistants (TAs) who work hard to ensure the best start to your child’s secondary education. We aim to provide a firm foundation for learning for all our students as they continue on their learning journey.
Lower School Vision and Curriculum
Within the Lower school, we pay specific attention to Literacy and Numeracy skills, self-help and independence skills, organisation skills, developing friendships and early independence skills. All students within the Lower school learn through a student centred creative curriculum, which includes all subject areas. Lessons are fun, motivating and tailored to meet the needs of the individuals in the group. We use a Creative topic based approach and our focus is on skill acquisition and the development of communication skills. These topics include Explorers and Exploring and life in Victorian britain. The lower school curriculum is a rolling two year cycle and takes into account the gaps in a student’s education and learning by ensuring there are opportunities to recall prior learning. The Cavendish High Academy is committed to the inclusion of all students within the school community. We ensure that all students within the lower school have full and equal access to all facilities and all areas of the curriculum.
Organisation of Classes
Students are taught in year groups and split into ability based teaching groups. This grouping allows lessons to stretch students and match work closely to their ability. It also allows students with greater needs to access higher levels of staff support and ensures that the curriculum can be adapted to meet their specific needs.
Our classes are arranged into Year groups; Occasionally, we may have groups which cross different year groups, depending on the needs of the students.
Each child has a class teacher who is responsible for overseeing the personal and social needs of his/her class, updating Personal Learning Plans, and making contact with parents. As well as a class teacher, each class also has two or more TA’s. TA’s have an important role in supporting the work of the class teacher and meeting the needs of the students.